For His sake

The Order of the Daughters of the King

We often think of religious orders as a group of people who live in community, maybe a monastery. Those taking vows to an order are dedicated to the Rule of Life and living into their vows to glorify God’s Kingdom, to be and see Jesus in all creation and people. The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is an order for women and young girls who discern a call to the Rule of Life – prayer, service, and evangelism. It is an order, not an organization, although we do not live in an enclosed society. A daughter reaffirms her promises made at baptism and confirmation and pledges herself to the life-long practice of prayer and service to glorify and grow The Kingdom of God. The order is found in Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), and Roman Catholic communities. 

All Saints’ is the home of the Mary Martha Chapter of the Daughters of the King.  The chapter began over 12 years ago under the faithful leadership of Jan Millar and Virginia Ridenhour. Father Roger Butler celebrated the dedication of the chapter. Each member took their vows at the altar rail in the nave and were presented with a silver DOK cross. Over the years, the chapter has hosted quiet days for women in our parish, dessert nights, prayer circles, diocesan DOK retreats, and meals for women and children at CVAN. You will know a daughter by the silver cross she wears. The ministry of the order is quiet and prayerful. We are not allowed to raise money; however, donations are welcome. Many of the daughters serve in a multitude of ways within the church and in the community. A daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and to the strengthening of the spiritual life of other women and girls in her parish or mission. All Saints’ Day is set aside as a day of corporate communion, a reminder of our consecutiveness to the larger community of DOK.

During the season of COVID, daughters have continued to pray and serve in quiet ways, surrounding the church and clergy in prayer.

The motto of the Order:

For His Sake…I am but one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?

Are you discerning a call to the order that requires the spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service, and evangelism? Would you like more information about the order? Please contact Deacon Jackie Whitfield or Fran Burkett. We will be happy to share and to guide you in the discernment process.

Until then, each of you are held in our prayers.

Deacon Jackie+