Life after lockdown

I am excited by the conversations I hear. We are asking one another “What’s next?” We may not have all the answers, but we are living in expectancy of the Holy Spirit alive and active in this community. In that spirit, I invite you to participate in a three-part series “Life after Lockdown,” which will be offered both in-person and online, during the month of June. You can sign up by choosing one of the links below.

In both groups, we will look briefly at the history of the church’s response to pandemic and talk with one another about our own experiences. We’ll take note of what we have learned about ourselves, our church and our culture in this time and listen for where we hear the Holy Spirit moving us as a community of faith. 

As always, as people of faith, we may not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. And that allows us to move with confidence as we take up the question “What’s next?”

-Rev. Nancy