Love more

“There is no remedy for love but to love more.”

Henry David Thoreau

These words serve as an introduction to Jan Richardson’s poem “Blessing for the Brokenhearted,” which I will be reading at my cousin’s memorial service this Saturday, June 29, in the afternoon. Raphael John Sassi, my cousin, was an extraordinary artist, a devoted friend, loving uncle, and all around incredible person. His life was cut short by an act of terrible violence, and his family and friends are gathering together to remember his life and to grieve together.

Joanna, Charles, and I will be attending the memorial on Saturday afternoon and evening, which means that you all will be in the very capable hands of The Reverend Canon Rhonda Lee, PhD and The Reverend Jackie Whitfield on Sunday, June 30. I will return early Sunday afternoon to begin the EYC Mission Trip to Asheville, which lasts until next Friday, after which I will be on vacation. The Reverend Jim Bernacki will be serving All Saints’ for the month of July. We will look forward to being back with you all on August 4!

You can view some of Raphael’s artwork here.
