Prayer Shawl Ministry

Did you see how many prayer shawls were blessed a couple of Sundays ago at the All Saints’ services? At both the 9:00 AM and the 11:10 services, Rev. Nancy asked the congregation to be sure to thank Gwen King for leading this group of crocheting and knitting Saints over 22 years, as she is now retiring from this position.

I believe it was shortly after the 9/11 tragedies that people all over the world felt the need to reach out in comfort to those who were hurt and who needed a tangible symbol of compassion to begin the healing process. Not only in sorrow, but also in celebration, we began creating shawls in all sizes and shapes for families with newborn babies, for newly recovered cancer patients, and many other reasons. We knew instinctively when a wrap was needed, like a big hug.

My own experience first started in Virginia Beach. I met a woman at a church conference who was in such pain over a difficult family situation impacting her grandchildren. I had started a shawl to donate to All Saints’, but it became apparent that she needed this hug for her grandchildren. In a thank you note, she later told me how the kids wrapped up in the shawl when they visited her. Over the years, I often passed on my knitting to friends outside the church but was always inspired to keep stitching by our All Saints’ Stitches from the Saints group.

Please thank Gwen for the many years of organization and dedication. Also, I’d like to recognize Pat Black and Donna Wilson for their support over the years. They arranged the monthly meetings, procured yarn and other supplies, organized the shawl cabinets, prepared the shawls for the blessing Sunday, and so much more.  These two will continue to be there for the rest of us but are stepping aside from the leadership roles in which they’ve been so inspiring.  

If you have not yet joined, we crafty women, please join us in the Welcome Center (masked and distanced) on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM.  Fellowship is an important part of our gatherings, whether you’re experienced with the yarn or not! If you have any questions, please reach out! 

Jan Millar