Communications update


The Communications Team plays a pivotal role in fostering a connected and informed parish by ensuring timely and comprehensive distribution of parish related communications. We utilize a multi-channel approach that includes e-mail, website, special mailings, signage (print and digital), video, and engagement across multiple social media platforms. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month. 

Key Achievements in 2023

We transitioned to Realm, replacing the Church Life app. Realm is an app that helps to enable easy and seamless communications among parish members and groups. It includes a parish directory and messaging features that help connect members and small groups/ministries.

We used a combination of approaches to maximize adoption of the app by parish members. These included hands-on one on one with small groups, in person signups, a support desk on several Sundays, announcements in the Weekly Word, use of QR codes and other signage, and organic growth through usage. 

As of the end of 2023, 180 congregants are using Realm – this is a significant percentage of our congregation, and we hope to increase this number in 2024. 

We increased Engagement through the Weekly Word newsletter: Numbers don’t lie and from the results it is clear The Weekly Word newsletter has proven to be a valuable tool for members to stay connected with the All Saints’ community. 

In 2023, a whopping 24,441 Weekly Word emails were sent out with a 69% open rate – an increase of 10%!

In response to parish feedback, we introduced a new weekly bulletin for Sunday services. It contains time-sensitive announcements and reminders, supplementing the live announcements section of the worship services. The paper bulletin complements our digital content, ensuring that our communication methods cater to the diverse preferences within our parish. 

A QR code on these bulletins allows readers to easily access more detailed information if desired.

We extended our reach through video and streaming to those who were not able to attend in person. We provided streaming of all worship services, both regular and special, as well as funerals and events such as the Spaghetti Supper and Koinonia. This enabled us to reach a wider audience, including those unable to attend in person, helping to foster a sense of community among virtual attendees.

In 2023 there was a combined total of 431 unique videos across these platforms with a remarkable total of 15,337 views! 

Our amazing design team (Ruth) provided clear, consistent, and accessible information through thoughtful design and layouts. She crafted a consistent visual identity across all media, from designing worship bulletins to creating a cohesive visual for the website, digital and print signage, Weekly Word, and other materials. Additionally, she provided the layout and design of essential documents such as the Annual Meeting report, Stewardship materials, and miscellaneous items such as baptismal and confirmation certificates.

Challenges & Opportunities for 2024

Our small team has been instrumental in driving change, but supporting continued growth poses a challenge. We welcome volunteers to join the communications team and help us to continue to sustain and enhance our mission. 

Realm is feature rich and we will look to explore and expand our utilization of the app, particularly in the texting capabilities to improve real-time communication.