Contribute to help Hawai’i

God is always calling us into generosity, with the promise that in God’s economy of grace we will be among the beneficiaries. 

We do not know what the future holds, or how our gifts of time, talent, and treasure will bless us. We do know that God keeps God’s promises, and we will be blessed. The people of Holy Innocents, Lahaina, knew they were offering something vital and important. Now they are discovering it anew. 

You are invited to contribute to recovery efforts in Hawai’i through All Saints’. At the direction of the Diocese of Hawai’i, funds are being sent to “A Cup Of Cold Water.” Please mark your donations “Hawaii” or contribute online by selecting “Hawaii” as a donation choice. The “First Sunday Offering” in September (September 3, 2023) will be directed to relief and recovery in Lahaina through “A Cup of Cold Water.”