Walking in faith

What does the word faith mean to you in your daily walk with Christ?

When I hear the word faith, the first person I think of is Mary of Nazareth. She accepted the call to walk in faith into an unjust society to fulfill the ancient prophesy. She walked into the unknown, the mystery, with the assurance that all would be well and that God would abide in her and with her. 

Per the dictionary, faith is the strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. It is the walking into mystery, or the unknown, with no road map, holding on to God’s hand.

During the first renovations of the Lockhart Child Center, the vestry walked in faith to renovate part of the existing education wing. The hope was to form a partnership with Cabarrus County Schools System in order to house two classes of four-year-old preschoolers. The Holy Spirit blew through the community room. After deep prayer and faith, the vestry allocated all reserves to start the renovation. When asked, “What is your backup plan to replace the monies in our depleted coffers?” The answer that we had faith that God would take care of the coffers was often met with disbelief. Faith meant letting go of oneself and letting God. And God was majestic. The school opened, the coffers were restored.

Hearing the call to serve more children, again All Saints’ walked in faith. This time the walk was complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet in prayer and persistent faith, construction continued and the education wing was totally gutted and renovated. We hoped this space would welcome new families on Sundays, and during the week, that it would serve as a child development center for 72 children in our county. In the direst of times, our faith and hope persevered. Our God was good.  

This Sunday, children will be ushered into the Education wing. Rooms are fresh, colorful and welcoming to all age groups.  This week will also mark the first anniversary of opening of the Lockhart Child Development Center. We opened with about 22 children. Today, we are at capacity, with 72 children (and a waiting list).

In Christian community, the Holy Spirit blows through our lives and our halls, calling us to walk in faith into the mystery. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

I am very grateful for the witness of Mary, who walked humbly with God to fulfill the prophesy of the Messiah. I am thankful for the faithful servants of All Saints’ who walked with God to serve children in our community. What a witness of how God works in and through us to accomplish what seems humanly impossible.

The Rev. Jackie Whifield+

Walking in faith is a powerful witness of letting go of ourselves and trusting in a loving God.  

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe? All things are possible for one who believes.’”

Mark 9:23